The Commission on Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC): Shall promote BEC as a new way of being Church. Shall coordinate nationwide BEC activities. Shall clarify the nature and role of the BECs in the ecclesiastical organization. Shall propose to the CBCP guidelines on...
Functions of the Legal Office It shall render legal opinions whenever tasked to do so by the Plenary Assembly, the Permanent Council, the President of the Conference, or any other Member of the Conference. It shall advise the General Secretariat on any existing or...
Functions of the Research Office It shall provide the Members of the Conference with a periodic assessment of prevailing conditions in the Country that affect the pastoral work of the Church. It shall provide them with statistical data on current socio-economic,...
Functions of the Media Office It shall disseminate, particularly to the secular tri-media, the Official Letters and Declarations, Joint Statements, Decisions and other official pronouncements of the Conference. It shall attend to legitimate requests from media...