Functions of the Legal Office

  1. It shall render legal opinions whenever tasked to do so by the Plenary Assembly, the Permanent Council, the President of the Conference, or any other Member of the Conference.
  2. It shall advise the General Secretariat on any existing or proposed legislation affecting the pastoral interest of the Church in the Philippines.
  3. It shall study all the Bills emanating from the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives, and provide the General Secretariat with an evaluation thereof in the light of Catholic teaching.
  4. It shall actively participate, on behalf of the General Secretariat, in Senate, House, Joint Committee, Hearings, and in the meetings of technical Working Groups regarding Bills which particularly affect the life of the Church.
  5. It shall prepare and deliver, in the name of the General Secretariat, Position Papers on Bills only as long as they are the particular concern of the Church.


Bishop-in-Charge: Most Rev. Nolly C. Buco

Address: Residencia del Siervo
Daang Bakal Road, Taktak
1870 Antipolo City, Rizal

Telefax: (02) 573-7648 Fax: (02) 696-4384


Name: Atty. Sabino Jose M. Padilla, III
Address : 7th Floor Padilla-de los Reyes Building
232 Juan Luna St., Binondo, Manila
Tel. : Tel. # 8241-0094 Fax: 8241-6767

Name: Atty. Maria Liza Lopez-Rosario
Address: Legal Office, 121 Arzobispado St.,
Intramuros, Manila 1002
Tel. : (02) 8527-7631 / 8404-3784
Email :