A Scientific and Philosophical Approach


Embryologists and geneticists around the world are one in declaring categorically based on scientific evidence that human life begins at conception or fertilization. This has been a long drawn conclusion in biology and has never changed even until now. Conception is the moment when a male sperm fertilizes a female egg. The result is a fertilized ovum. This event of fusion of the male and female cells immediately form within it a unity of distinct entity, bearing an element called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) so different from the fertilized ovum’s father or mother. The DNA is the molecular/chemical basis of one’s heredity. It contains various nucleic acids in cell nuclei. Scientifically, the DNA is the sole basis for the individuation or uniqueness of a human being of which it has no similar or identical constitutive element with any human being around the world. Due to its uniqueness, it has been one of the bases to determine the identity of a human being. Put simply, the DNA gives the scientific basis of the existence of a distinct human life though existing yet in its primitive form.

Since there is already life in that particular moment, this is also called the moment when a soul begins to exist and gives life to the fertilized ovum. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that with the presence of the soul comes also the presence of a living human life.

It is a gross failure of some who believe without biological basis that life begins at implantation that is, when the fertilized ovum is finally implanted in the woman’s uterus. But this kind of biology is so bad that it fails so miserably in proving the status of the fertilized ovum outside the womb as when a woman is having an ectopic pregnancy that can be carried by her even until the 8th week or so. What is even grossly illogical is that ectopic pregnancy is only considered by these pro-RH advocates as some undefined tissues. Yet ectopic pregnancy is a real pregnancy even if the fertilized ovum is not carried nor ends in implantation.

Biologically, a fertilized ovum carries already a determination of its physical attributes that are not essentially different from any adult human beings. The physical features of a fertilized ovum from the beginning of its life are all already present and will be carried by it until its adult life and even until death.

Further, because it is already determined, it can never develop into any other being like cats or dogs. It will remain human because by reason of its specific nature, it is human in essence and in due time when allowed to come to maturity also in function. In conclusion, human life begins at fertilization and not at implantation. Against a scientific fact there is no plausible argument.

Presented to Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines by Father JERRY MANLANGIT, OP, PhD from the University of Santo Tomas Graduate School, Bio Ethics Department, España, Manila, March 29, 2014.

Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan
CBCP President