The Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education:
- Shall constitute the Catechetical Agency on the national level, assisted by the Advisory Council for the Ministry of Catechesis (ACMC) composed of representatives from various regions and selected Catechetical Centers.
- Shall assist and serve the Dioceses principally as an Information Center regarding Catechetical developments.
- Shall supervise the National Catechetical Office of the Philippines.
- Shall make the necessary studies and recommendations to the Conference on Ecclesiastical Decrees affecting Catholic education in the Philippines, as well as on related policies and legislations of the State.
- Shall coordinate with various Catholic educational Associations in the Philippines, on matters affecting the promotion and development of the apostolic ministry of education.
- Shall serve as a liaison office with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) and the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) in all that concerns the common good of Catholic schools, especially poor ones.
Chairman: Bp. Daniel O. Presto
Vice-Chairman: Bp. Jose Elmer I. Mangalinao
Members: Abp. Marlo M. Peralta
Bp. Rex Andrew C. Alarcon
Bp. Fidelis B. Layog
Bp. Roberto C. Mallari
Executive Secretary: Rev. Fr. Ernesto B. De Leon
Address: CBCP Building
Ground Floor, Gen. Luna St.,
Intramuros, Manila
Tels.: (02) 8527-4161
Fax: (02) 8527-5417
e-mail: cbcp.eccce@gmail.com