Functions of the Research Office

  1. It shall provide the Members of the Conference with a periodic assessment of prevailing conditions in the Country that affect the pastoral work of the Church.
  2. It shall provide them with statistical data on current socio-economic, political and religious subject matters for their information and reference.
  3. It shall maintain files on critical current and/or emerging issues relevant to the work of the Members of the Conference.
  4. It shall conduct research projects enjoined by the Plenary Assembly, the Permanent Council or the President of the Conference.

Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Fr. Vladimir M. Echalas, SOLT
Address: 2/Floor CBCP Building
470 General Luna Street
Intramuros, 1002 Manila

Tel.: (02) 8 5274054 / 8 5274138
Mobile: 09196508465