1. Shall undertake, in coordination with the national director appointed by Rome, the work of the ‘Opus Vocationum’ in the Philippines as its fundamental commitment and task.
  2. Shall coordinate national and/or regional Programs for the promotion, preservation, and accompaniment of vocations to the Priesthood, the Religious and Apostolic Life, and the Secular and Lay Missionary Institutes.
  3. Shall organize periodic Conventions and Seminars through the Directors and Directresses of Vocations in the Philippines, for their collaboration and interaction, and for the formation of Vocation Promoters.


Chairman: Bp. Roberto O. Gaa
Vice-Chairman: Bp. Jose Alan V. Dialogo
Members: Bp. Raul B. Dael
Bp. Patricio A. Buzon, SDB
Abp. Jose Romeo O. Lazo

Executive Secretary:
Address: Ground Floor CBCP Building
470 Gen. Luna Street
Intramuros, 1002 Manila

Telefax : (02) 8831-9937 / 8527-4054
09199951644 / 09175590488