Section 1: Functions of the Plenary Assembly


To issue doctrinal declarations approved unanimously by the Members of the Conference and to seek the “recognitio” of the Apostolic See through the request of a substantial majority of the Bishops having deliberative votes (M.P. Apostolos Suos 22, cf. Can. 753).

To make general decrees in those cases in which the common law prescribes it, or a special mandate of the Apostolic See, given either motu proprio or at the request of the Conference, determines it (Can. 455, §1; cf. M.P. Apostolos Suos 20).

To elect the President and Vice President from the Members who are diocesan Bishops or their equivalent in law (cf. Can. 452, §1).

To elect the Secretary General, Treasurer, the Members of the Permanent Council and the chairmen of the Episcopal Commissions, Permanent Committees and Offices.

To choose National Directors for Offices that specifically require their services; and, if the National Director required by an Office is to be an appointee of the Holy See, to select three (3) candidates whose names will be presented to the said Authority for consideration.

To establish Episcopal Commissions and Permanent Committees, Offices and other Agencies the Conference may deem necessary to fulfill its mission.

To decide on matters of policy that shall have the force of law as provided for in Article VI (cf. Can. 455, §2).

To determine, approve and issue Instructions, Declarations and Documents expressing the official stand of the Bishops of the Philippines.

To examine, evaluate and act on the Reports of the Permanent Council and the Episcopal Commissions, the Permanent Committees and Offices, and all other duly established Agencies of the Conference.

To submit the topics and concerns as the agenda to be prepared by the Permanent Council for the subsequent Plenary Assembly.

To examine and approve the Annual Budget of the Conference presented by the Permanent Council through the Budget and Finance Office.

To analyze and accept the Annual Report of the Treasurer.

To delegate to the Permanent Council or to other subordinate entities in the Conference, any of executive powers when the occasion so demands and within the confines of law (Can. 135, §4), but not the legislative function

To elect the Delegates of the Conferences to the Synod of Bishops, the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference, and any other relevant official event where the representation of the Conference is either necessary or useful.